I recently watched the videos from Youtube of a well-known muslim speaker Yasmin Mogahed who has literally inspired many souls all around the world from her words and writings. I'm so in love with the way she's preaching, the words she used in her speeches, and her approaches as well. Her videos such an inspiration, a motivation of mine which somehow bring me closer to Allah s.w.t.
insyaallah :)


Yasmin Mogahed

One of her videos that I was overly attracted to is 'HOPE IN GOD' recorded at the Fisher and Paykel Auditorium at the University of Auckland, New Zealand on 19 April 2015.
(Hope in God, Imaan Boost TV, Apr 23,2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyszaM8sPjU)


I would love to share the beautiful contents of this video and frankly I was enjoying the whole of it. (just maybe there are some ideas none of the contents hee)


When we're talking about HOPE it means like we have something that we're holding on, we have something that we can rely on, just to ensure everything is safe while we're walking to reach our final destination. Similarly it can be illustrated by a MOUNTAIN CLIMBER, to safely reach the peak of the mountain we need something to hold on, we need something strong that will help us arrived our destination and it is all can't be successful without the EQUIPMENT. So does in life.


So when we're climbing the mountain, how to avoid us from falling? is the twig strong enough so that we can grab and it can support us to the upper level or maybe it's not and we will end up falling on the ground? 

Same goes in hope, we have to think carefully on what things or on whom we're going to put our hope? Can we imagine what will happen when we give all dependence on money/wealth then we face a big loss on those? Can we imagine what's kind of emotion will we react when we put the entire trustworthy in a person then he/she finally betrayed us or couldn't do anything to us? 

The problem happens. Nothing we can do.
By putting so much hope in money or human or anything that can be destroyed by time will bring nothing to us except disappointment like the twig we're grabbing and we end up falling. 

Then where we're going to put our big dependence? Remember, we have the one who'll never disappoint us, ALLAH S.W.T. Give him all dependence. He would really love to those who turns to Him.


Never underestimate the power of humbling and repenting. Don't care how many times we've sinned, how many times we've committed the mistakes, never despair and don't ever have a thought Allah will never give us a space of forgiveness or will never answer our prayers. As a matter of fact, He really do love someone repeatedly asking His forgiveness after he/she had sinned.

We are not an angel to not sin. We are human, full of flaws. Ignore what people say like,

"Oh come on, you gonna fail. why do you still have to try this and that on bla bla?"

No no no. Allah is never saying that instead he asked us to keep trying to be the better us.

It is not good to let the idea of "Oh I'm not a good enough, I can't do this" rules our minds, to reject all the door of repentance and welcoming sign of despair home. No way! We have to be strong. Strong dependence and believing in Allah azzawajalla. 

ADAM AND SHAYTAN (my most favourite part)

Both Adam and shaytan made mistakes. Do you remember the story? Adam did what's Allah forbid him which was to avoid a tree in Jannah while shaytan refused to bow to Adam when Allah asked them to do so. 

Then what happened? 

Adam was sent to the earth due to his mistakes, but he was never lose hope in Allah. He was humbling and repenting. For all his days and nights he spent asking for the forgiveness from Allah s.w.t and finally Allah raised him as one of His Prophet a.s (peace be upon him). See, amazingggggg!

Meanwhile shaytan, they were not humbling instead they rebelled and in returns, no place was built for them except the hell fire. nauzubillah. 

Quoted by Ibn Qayyim: 
“Satan rejoiced when Adam (peace be upon him) came out of Paradise and sent to the Earth, but he did not know that when a diver sinks into the sea, he collects pearls and then rises again.”

wallahualam. happy holidayyyy :p


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