OMG Pakcik !

Area Hijazi Last week, I walked home alone from Markaz Hafsah as I really used with the way along University Street or well known as Syari' Jamiah among us. (Markaz Hafsah: the place where I learn to improve everything about Quran and ahkam tajwid) All of a sudden, an old man (Pakcik Arab in average age above 50 I guess) came from my opposite direction and seemed to approach me. And yes I was right! He walked closer towards me. "Ya Allah perhaps he has nothing to do with me", I wished. To be honest, since my first day in here I never expect the best from the citizens, no because I'm a cruel one who's always having negative kind of thoughts of others BUT only as a precaution step I could take so far. (Second but, alhamdulillah believe it or not I found this way of thinking is gradually disappeared with time) Ok. We get back to that old man's story, He smiled at me and "Assalamualaikum!", he said. I smiled back and gave ...