Islamic Investment Accounts (IA) - Prospects and Challenges

Assalamualaikum and hi :) This is my first essay writing as a fresh graduate and yaa sure it might have lack something somewhere. So, I humbly open to any comment and improvement if necessary since it's also another process of learning. May it benefit us all even a little. Peace. Enjoy! 😁😚😉😎😊 Q: The Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (IFSA) distinguishes investment account from Islamic deposit is defined by the application of Shariah contracts with non-principal guarantee feature for the purpose of investment. With the new classification, elaborate on the prospects of introducing Islamic Investment Accounts (IA) and its challenges in Malaysia’s banking landscape. ... The enacted new rules governing Malaysian’s Islamic finance sector, the Islamic Financial Service Act (IFSA) that came into force on 30 June 2013, replacing the repealed Payment System Act 2003 (PSA) is an act to provide for the regulation and supervision of Islamic financial institu...